What weighs you down?

Most of us carry around stuff that we no longer need. Typically, people hold on to feelings of fear, guilt, worry, disappointments or regrets. Maybe we hold on to the “would haves”, could haves”, or “should haves”. Perhaps we hold onto the message of “I’m not good enough.” If you feel that you give your … Continue reading »
What weighs you down?

Letting go.

Why do we hang on to things when we know they no longer serve us? Relationships that have soured beyond hope? Jobs we do not enjoy and that hold no promise of moving forward? Often, even the memories themselves fence us in. Usually, the answer is some form of fear of change. There is a … Continue reading »
Letting go.

Guilt vs. Shame

Many people use the words shame and guilt interchangeably. Although they are closely related, there is a distinct difference from a psychological perspective. Shame is entirely about one’s self, and involves not living up to one’s own expectations, standards or values. Being ashamed leaves you feeling exposed, humiliated and “less than” what you want to … Continue reading »
Guilt vs. Shame

You can’t calm the storm.

How many times have you hit a wall during your life and wanted to quit? Maybe you are there now. Life can be fairly complicated. Most of us have plenty to manage in our day-to-day lives such as jobs, relationships, family, finances, sleep, health and so forth. We all seem to have a tremendous amount … Continue reading »
You can’t calm the storm.

Negative thoughts.

Self-deprecating thoughts are all the mean, nasty, ugly, distressing, devaluing things you say about yourself. Regardless of whether or not you say them out loud, these thoughts keep you confined to a prison of your own making. It’s been said that each day we have about 50,000 thoughts. Research shows that 80-90% of these thoughts … Continue reading »
Negative thoughts.


Are you wearing a mask to make people believe that you are really fine? Do you try to hide your real emotions from your friends, family or co-workers? It is really hard to pretend when it comes to emotions. It tends to be easier to say “I’m fine” or “I’m all right don’t worry about … Continue reading »