Change is happening with or without me.

Coronavirus has changed the world in major ways. Even if you or your loved ones haven’t contracted the virus, your life has likely been turned upside down by its spread. Does it feel unfamiliar and unsettling for you too? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I realized I am grieving. I have lost a deeper connection to family and friends. … Continue reading »
Change is happening with or without me.

I Crave Security.

I thrive on routine and having a plan. Consistency is my superpower. Yet, I am flexible, and I can typically handle the unexpected. Then Covid-19 happened. It didn’t take long to realize it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. And if the virus itself wasn’t a fear, the changes happening as a result of the virus … Continue reading »
I Crave Security.