Changing Your Environment

Are you grasping at straws? Do you sit around waiting for people to change the toxic environment they created? Do you walk on eggshells with your family? Do you feel that your relationships are sucking the energy out of you? Are you in a hostile work environment that’s immoral, unfair or dramatic?

The longer you remain in a toxic environment without positive change, the sicker you will get. Truly toxic environments cause burnout, fatigue, increased stress, physical ailments and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

The simplest indicator of a toxic environment is persistent unhappiness. If being in the relationship or environment constantly makes you feel anxious, uneasy, angry or unsure, your environment is more than likely toxic. Negative changes in your mental health, personality, self-esteem and a decrease in your overall feelings of worth are ALL red flags.

Take concern from family or friends seriously; particularly since people in toxic environments are often the last to realize they’re in it. Becoming paralyzed in your unhealthy situation is common as many people are simply used to it or have grown accustomed to it.

So what can you do to create a healing environment?
You have two choices, neither of which are easy. You can either remove yourself from the environment or identify and implement ways to reduce stress in the environment.

If you have no idea where to start or if you tried to make changes and you’re not getting the results you want, consider therapy. Through therapy, you can identify the dysfunction and determine if the situation is fixable, or if it is best to walk away.

Nothing should ever cost you your peace. Nothing should ever cost you your happiness. If there is more negative in your situation than positive, something has to change.

Let me show you how to change your environment. Email for a free consultation at


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

One Response to “Changing Your Environment”

  1. Patrick,

    Thanks for the reminder. We don’t always realize just how toxic certain situations can be, especially if it comes to not realizing that source of complacency, draining out that happy positive energy.