Your worth is not measured by your productivity.

Are you terrified of being unproductive? Do you overachieve so you feel good enough? Do you fear you’re not meeting your goals fast enough?

You don’t have to exhaust yourself to prove anything to anyone. Who you are is not dependent on your achievements, your next purchase, your degrees, how you look, your career or your next relationship.

Are you focused on the old adage that if you work hard enough, good things will happen for you?

Being busy isn’t a badge of honor. Productivity isn’t the only thing that makes a person fulfilled. You are worth more than how productive you were today.

And while it’s easy to look for external things to make us feel worthy, in this approach, worthiness becomes dependent on constantly chasing the next best thing, but never really attaining anything.

Hustling can be way to feel “good enough” while struggling with low self-esteem, low confidence and low self-worth.

You see, busyness, chaos and goal chasing can be a way to avoid just sitting and feeling. It helps you avoid the storm that is swirling around you. It can be a way to avoid having to have to make any major life decisions. And a way to avoid being honest about how bad you truly feel about yourself. It becomes easier to focus on tasks, projects, relationships, degrees, jobs and hustling…all because we’re not ready to face that thing.

Please know that you are strong enough, smart enough and good enough. You don’t need other people or accomplishments to validate you. You are already VALUABLE.

If you constantly struggle with hustling as a way to avoid, I wish you bravery.

If you’re ready to finally slow down, find yourself, love yourself and discover yourself on a whole new level, I am confident I can help you.

Email me to schedule a consultation at

You’re worthy. All on your own.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling