What do you tolerate?

Do you accept your own excuses? Have you stopped taking care of yourself? Are you miserable in your career, but it pays well? Do you have unsupportive friends? Do you put up with people disrespecting you? Do you criticize yourself or hold on to your fears?

Take a deeper look at what things you allow to exist in your life because you have convinced yourself that it is in your best interest. Examine what you simply put up with just because it’s easier. What are the everyday things you allow to “slide by?”

People tolerate all types of things for a variety of reasons. Denying reality, feeling we can change people, avoiding pain and low self-worth are commons way to self-sabotage.

When we aren’t honest about what motivates us, we will end up settling for less every time.

Ask yourself:
• What are the really obvious things I tolerate?
• What are the tougher more complicated things I tolerate in my life?
• What is the cost of continuing to tolerate these things?
• What are the benefits of taking steps to stop tolerating the intolerable?

You can’t live a happy, successful, fulfilling life if you’re spending all of your time and energy tolerating people, situations and environments that aren’t good for you.

When you begin the process of understanding who you are, what you want for your life and what areas need improvement, you can begin taking the necessary steps towards a happier, healthier life.

If you want to stop accepting the unacceptable and start living the life you deserve, email me to get started.


(817) 946-1620 | carrie@carrienet.com | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling