RIP Robin Williams. Depression is the silent killer.

The world lost a comedic genius in Robin Williams to suicide. Many people are left wondering how in the world could someone who brought so much laughter to people be battling #depression? Laughs don’t necessarily mean, “I’m fine”. Smiles don’t necessarily mean, “I’m ok” and having it all doesn’t necessarily mean, “I’m happy”. This is the #stigma of mental illness.

#Depression is a war. You wake up every day and go to battle. Depression clouds your judgment. Depression tells you that you are worthless and that no one cares about you. Depression convinces you that there is no point lasting another day. Depression tells you that you are helpless and hopeless and the world would be better off without you. It tells you that you are not deserving of good things. Depression convinces you that you are a failure and in extreme cases, it convinces you that ending your life would be a welcome relief.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just tell a depressed person that none of that is true? To convince them that there is so much to live for? To make them see how so many people in this world have it so much worse than them? Statements like these don’t take into consideration that people with depression cannot make it go away by simply “cheering up” or using will power.

We seem to know how to deal with heart attacks, broken bones and cancer. People offer tremendous support. They rally around you, bring you dinners, watch your children, offer prayer and even shave their own heads in solidarity effort. When it comes to mental health, we are profoundly deficient and sorely lacking.

There’s an old saying. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. It simply is not true, and with that mentality others will surely be left to suffer.

If you or someone you love is struggling with depression, please seek help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Asking for help is a sign of strength. You don’t have to fight this alone.


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