Do you want to stop being a doormat?

Are you the person who, despite your best intentions, allows others walk all over you? Are you as the peacemaker, the sweet one, the “nice” one, the one who doesn’t rock the boat, or the person who never says “no”? Maybe it’s time to change.

A common thread among clients who come to me for self-empowerment counseling is “Why do people use me?” We teach people how to treat us by our actions. If you act like a doormat, you can’t completely blame someone if they wipe their feet on you. It’s wonderful to be liked, but if achieving adoration comes at the expense of your self-confidence, physical health, career goals, and the success of your interpersonal relationships, then you’re going to need to develop a backbone.

When your thoughtfulness and reluctance to hurt other people’s feelings start to impact your own well being, it is time to change. Therapy provides the environment to practice assertive communication. It teaches you how to stand up for yourself when something bothers you or you feel you’ve been wronged. Change starts by dialing up your self-worth.

Therapy sessions often address issues such as learning how to say “no”, learning how to set boundaries with others and being okay with not everyone liking you. Therapy teaches you how to change your actions and reactions. It teaches you how to demand respect.

Are you committed to making this year different? Take the journey with me. You deserve better. Make the start.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling