Is It Trauma?

Trauma? Me? Nah…

Trauma is not just for war, disasters, accidents, or a personal assault. Trauma is much more.

You’ve experienced trauma if you have been a part of any extraordinarily stressful event that shattered your sense of security and your ability to cope.

Trauma examples include:

· Grief

· Being betrayed

· Toxic environments

· An important relationship ending

· A humiliating event(s)

· Experiencing cruelness

· Mental, physical or narcissist abuse

· Bullying (in person or online)

· Harassment

· Abuse of power

Trauma rewires your brain and body. Trauma can change how your brain interprets information, which affects your memory, moods, emotions, and feelings.

Your body begins to live on high alert after a trauma. You become very sensitive to your surroundings which is known as hyper-awareness. Things that might seem insignificant to other people can trigger strong feelings for you.

Many people suffer from trauma without being aware they’ve been exposed to it. Therefore, this way of life becomes a new normal.

If you feel shocked, saddened, anxious or otherwise overwhelmed by an occurrence, you’re probably experiencing trauma. The trauma isn’t the event or the experience itself, but rather your body and mind’s RESPONSE to the event.

This makes it crucial to take steps toward recovery to lessen its negative effects and impact. Healing after your trauma is possible.

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