I should have trusted my intuition…

Why didn’t I trust my intuition? You know… when something feels off?

One of the big things I’ve been working through as of late, is why I ignored that gut feeling, why I doubted my intuition and chose to ignore the red flags.

Yes, even therapists are far less than perfect. I’m in the business of believing every person is fully capable of knowing what’s best for them, rather than giving out advice on how someone should or shouldn’t live their life.

So, despite things not making sense to me, despite things not adding up, despite the math not working out and despite some gut churning feeling I was having, I convinced myself everything was going to be okay. Keep doing what you’re doing Carrie. I wasn’t willing to put THAT much trust into a feeling I couldn’t explain.

Why did my brain hijack my feelings and make me doubt myself, when I knew what the truth was?

It only made sense when I could over-explain it away. You know those bad feelings that make you want to throw up? … they subsided when I conned myself into dismissing them. I wasn’t prepared to deal with it. I knew what I needed to do all along, and I ignored it.

So, what happened?

I was forced to deal with it later anyway, but only when the problem got much, much worse.

Gut feelings are personal, so you alone must make the call as if you’re in touch with your gut instinct or not. However, trusting your intuition is the ultimate act of trusting yourself.

I am here for you. ❤️

(817) 946-1620 | carrie@carrienet.com | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling