Get Started. Go.

There are number of factors that keep us from making the positive changes we desire in our lives. There is fear of failure, complacency, fear of success, distractions, negative pressure from others, feelings of inadequacy, familiarity, laziness and fear of the unknown; to name a few.

But for most of us, the inability to change the course of our lives comes down to one simple problem: The change seems too difficult. And as a result, we simply don’t know where to begin.

We understand the importance of making changes. We understand that we want more or sometimes that we cannot continue to live our lives like this. We desire a different life. However, many times the road looks far too long from here to there. As a result, we give up the pursuit before we even start.

However, it always starts with one step. Start with what you can control. Don’t get caught up in what everyone else is doing. Don’t stress about what you haven’t done yet. Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. Just start.

People we admire and respect were not born into greatness. They hustled. They tried. They overcame the obstacles life put in front of them. Our biggest obstacle is the one in our minds.

So, today, take the first step. Get started. Go.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling