Do you want to just drive away?

Sometimes, the fear of facing ourselves just the way we are is overwhelming. So we run. We run from our problems, our pain, our disappointments, our challenges and our issues and sometimes, we run from life itself. We keep running and live a denial type of existence that quickly becomes second nature.

However, being numb isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The reality is, problems follow you until they are resolved. No one wants problems. However, you can minimize their longevity by dealing with them as they occur.

It’s a simple lesson: listen to your problems instead of running away from them. Stop pretending like you don’t care, or that you aren’t equipped to deal with them and start taking responsibility for your emotions and your life.

Strong people don’t build walls. Strong people don’t deny their feelings. Strong people allow themselves to feel and then they tackle their problems head on.

If we don’t learn to embrace how we feel, we may stop feeling altogether.


Click here for a short video, online self-quiz, and more information about depression.

(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling