Are you really healed or are you just trying not to think about it?

Are you really healed or are you just trying not to think about it?

You may have experienced the frustration of trying to stop thinking about something…only to find yourself thinking about it more.

When you actively try to avoid a thought, your brain seeks any kind of distraction it can grab hold of. Oddly enough, when you try not to think about things, you’re forced to remember what it is you’re not thinking about! This constant monitoring, calls attention to the very thing you’re trying to forget.

And just when you think you’re “over it”, something triggers you, and the pain and hurt comes back tenfold. Sometimes, you’re stuck having to start the healing process over again.

Acknowledging and taking ownership in healing can be a hard pill to swallow, especially if you pride yourself in being a strong and level-headed person or if you were treated poorly or unfairly by someone.

There is always some form of hurt at the heart of healing. For some people, the hurt occurred 10 years ago. For some people, the hurt happened yesterday and for others it happened as a child. Regardless of the when, how, who or why, the fact remains that the hurt still impacts and interferes with daily life.

Many people appear to have it all together, function well in society and by all outward appearances are “successful.” However, every day on the inside, they live with constant hurt and rumination of past pain. You are truly not alone.

You are resilient. You are strong. You will heal. And you are enough.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling