Are you comparing yourself?

What if I stopped comparing myself to others? What if I stopped thinking that everyone has better, happier, healthier lives than I do? What if I stopped believing that everyone is smarter, thinner, richer, more beautiful, more successful and more put together than me? What if I stopped being envious?

It’s human nature to compare. In fact, Psychology has an entire theory devoted to it. And not all comparison is bad. However, comparing becomes unhealthy when it stops being a motivator and starts being a preoccupation as to why we are not measuring up to others.

Comparing ourselves to others in this approach leaves us feeling drained, insecure and unhappy. When we compare to punish, we create stories about how we’re not good enough. This is a surefire way to leave us feeling miserable about ourselves and unworthy of good things in life.

In order to change it, stay committed to the fact that comparing doesn’t make you the loser. Stay committed to the fact that YOU ARE ENOUGH. Stay committed to the fact that no one has to be “better than.” What if you let everyone just BE? Stop believing that if someone else is doing well that there is no room for your success.

I suggest you stop wishing and start doing. If your goal is to do better, then start focusing on what you need to do and how you can do it. If you are unsure of where to start, then therapy is the best place.

Starting today. Try something different.

We’re all in this together.

Take the next step.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling