Your mistakes did not define you then and they do not define you now.

Is everyone falling in love, getting married, having children, getting great jobs with magnificent pay and having a fantastic social life?

Does it feel like everyone around you is moving forward except for you? Does your life seem to be at a stand still? Are you running in circles or even worse, are you plummeting backwards?

Why do some people keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again with poor job choices, friends and relationships? Even people who are reasonably intelligent and who otherwise make good choices.

You fall flat on your face, and it’s not the first time you’ve done it, nor the last. Therapy provides the tools to look at these perceived “mistakes” with compassion. Instead of beating yourself up for making the same mistakes over and over, you learn to leave your mistakes and regret in the past. Your mistakes do not define your value. They didn’t define you then and they do not define you now.

Life knocks all of us down and the consequences can hit us pretty hard. Therapy teaches you how to identify what is getting in the way of your happiness and shows you how to put these experiences behind you. It is about finding the strength to get back up and keep moving. It’s about having the drive to continue in spite of the obstacles.

Give yourself the gift of therapy and learn to keep moving forward.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling