Why is it so hard to trust others?

A better question may be, “Why is it so difficult for people to tell the truth?”

Trust is a key ingredient of success in any relationship: friendships, romance, social or business relationships.

Do you believe in the inherent goodness of most people? Is it possible to also be discerning and cautious?

Some people have a natural instinct for detecting untrustworthy people while some of us need a bit more help to develop the skill. Sometimes trustworthiness can be easy to gauge, and other times we can find ourselves blindsided.

Assessing trustworthiness takes time and there are always individual circumstances to consider.

However, in general, trustworthy people:

• Follow through.
• Keep promises.
• Don’t betray confidence.
• Rarely lie and don’t expect you to lie for them.
• Don’t lie by omission to “protect’ you or because they want to avoid “upsetting” you.
• Are rarely hypocritical.
• Give sincere apologies.
• Match their behaviors with their words.

Not everyone deserves your trust. Choose wisely.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | carrie@carrienet.com | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling