Should I or shouldn’t I?

Do you find yourself constantly being indecisive with things in your life and not knowing which direction to go? Do simple decisions become monumental tasks? If going in circles or throwing your hands up has become a way of life for you when dealing with decisions, then your indecisiveness has become a problem. Stress plays … Continue reading »
Should I or shouldn’t I?

What drives your ego?

Self-esteem and self-worth are driven by how much you value yourself. Your ego, on the other hand, is driven by how much you value what others think of you. External forces such as wants, needs and comparing yourself to others drive your ego. Internal forces such as passion and visions drive self-esteem. The ego needs … Continue reading »
What drives your ego?


Insecurity is an uncertainty, an uneasiness, or nervousness that stems from lacking confidence within yourself. It happens when you perceive yourself as vulnerable or inferior in some way to other people. We ALL have insecurities. Some of us are good at managing them and some of us not so much. Most of us have experienced … Continue reading »

Dear Insecurity,

You and I have been together a long time. Frankly, I can’t imagine my life without you. The mere thought of not being together is scary and unknown. You may not be healthy for me, but you are, at the very least, familiar. This is the part where I tell you… it’s not me after … Continue reading »
Dear Insecurity,


Are you feeling lost? When you feel lost, you lose your purpose. You begin questioning everything in your life and your place in it. You lose your sense of direction. Without direction, you don’t set goals and without goals, you lose motivation.  Being in this predicament takes a toll on your health and it is … Continue reading »

Honor yourself.

We don’t always honor ourselves in relationships. Whether they are personal or professional connections, we sometimes allow others to dictate our actions or words. If we don’t make a conscious effort, it is easy to end up in a cycle of sacrificing, accommodating and people pleasing. Our hope is to gain is love, attention, respect, … Continue reading »
Honor yourself.

You have to build yourself up too.

Inspiring, encouraging, mentoring, leading, teaching and building others up can have a profound positive impact on the lives of others. There is absolutely no question about that. But oftentimes, people who have a history of being mistreated forget that they’re special too. “Emotional Caretakers” usually come from families in which some of their basic emotional … Continue reading »
You have to build yourself up too.

The fear of what others think.

What will they think of me? This question destroys dreams, lowers self-esteem and paves the way for some of the unhappiest people in the world. Are you the person that people think you are? Or do you let them see only a persona carefully created to increase your likeability? Do you tiptoe through life, saying … Continue reading »
The fear of what others think.