Still Trying to Prove Your Worth? Here’s why you shouldn’t.

Do you feel you don’t deserve someone great? Do you fight for approval, attention or recognition? Do you fight to keep personal relationships (even the toxic ones) in tact so you can prove you’re lovable? Do you believe that you’ll eventually get what you want out of your relationships if you just keep proving you’re capable?

Self-worth is an internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self-love and self-acceptance. Self-worth is measured by how you value and regard yourself despite what others may think and/or despite unfavorable circumstances.

For people who struggle with low self-worth, getting to a point in life where you no longer feel the need to prove yourself can be a difficult journey. For most, healing involves the first step in a larger realization of the way you look at the world, and how you look at yourself.

As a therapist, I see people spending a lot of time worrying whether something is “wrong” with them. They tend to see every failure as “proof” of their worthlessness. Ask yourself: What would make you feel good enough?

People fail to remember how much love they have inside themselves. Love doesn’t always come from an outside source. In fact, we can’t rely on external validation. It is fantastic to have, but we can’t make that our life source.

So how about letting yourself off the hook? How about giving up the good fight and stop trying to prove yourself to everyone else? Why not concentrate on just BEING and “being for the sake of being” without an ulterior motive?

Imagine what will happen when you embrace who you are and decide to be authentic, rather than who you think others want you to be. This newfound freedom allows you to open yourself up to real relationships, real happiness, and real success. Therein lies the power and value of building your self-worth.

If you would like some support in nurturing your worth or any other help with your relationships, please contact me at


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