Sometimes life just refuses to go according to plan.

Perhaps the relationship you have always dreamed of is deteriorating. Maybe you lost someone close to you or experienced a health scare. Perhaps you ended up in a career that is unfulfilling or your company recently downsized.

Although we’d like to think we know exactly how our lives are going to turn out, this isn’t always the case. Life is chaotic, unpredictable, complicated, random and messy.

When these unexpected roadblocks clash with the blueprints we’ve designed for our lives the constant pushing and pulling makes us feel we are no longer in the driver’s seat.

Do you get attached to your life plan or can you roll with the punches?

Uncertainty in life is guaranteed. Plan A doesn’t always work out. Many of us don’t even have a plan B in our back pockets. But it is not a failure to have to resort to Plan B, or even Plan Z. Not having an alternative plan can often lead to panic, fear and unnecessary turmoil and confusion.

So, how can you develop the habit of seeing the good… even when life doesn’t go according to your plan?

The sooner you start making smart decisions, the sooner you know where you want to go. If you have a plan, or several, you are more likely to get there.

Are you constantly stressed or disappointed with your life, wondering how the heck you got here? Are you focused on what happened to the life you thought you’d have? It might be time for therapy.

Although we cannot predict the future, therapy can help you plan and prepare for the curveballs and shocks of life. Learning how to handle unexpected situations with grace and self-confidence is the key.

Your plan isn’t always going to line up with the rest of the universe. Learning to be OK with that will lower your anxiety and help you keep peace within yourself.

Let me help you mourn your Plan A and let’s work together on your Plan B.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling