Do Bad Things Happen To Punish Us?

“Doors are opening. The wait wasn’t punishment. It was preparation.” Why do we believe that bad things happen to us to punish us? Many of us create coping mechanisms when life feels scary, out of control, painful or overwhelming. We don’t like the uncertainty or murkiness of the unknown and our brains crave ANSWERS and … Continue reading »
Do Bad Things Happen To Punish Us?

Closure Is Overated

Closure is overrated. There are some things that happened where we just don’t get “closure”. Work on accepting what they did or what happened and heal yourself. We don’t need permission to move on. ❤️ It’s just not worth the weight we give it.
Closure Is Overated

Practice the F Word

Advice from a therapist… Practice the F word. Forgiveness. Forgive yourself for not believing them the 1st, 2nd, or 20th time they showed you who they really were. Forgive yourself for the times you saw the red flags as a challenge, rather than a warning sign. And forgive yourself for not knowing what you needed … Continue reading »
Practice the F Word

I Can’t Fix Everything

I used to think I could fix anything in my life if I just tried a little harder or gave it more time. But, some things aren’t meant to be fixed. Sometimes, all you can do is make peace with it, and move forward, knowing you did the best you could. ❤️‍🩹
I Can’t Fix Everything

I should have trusted my intuition…

Why didn’t I trust my intuition? You know… when something feels off? One of the big things I’ve been working through as of late, is why I ignored that gut feeling, why I doubted my intuition and chose to ignore the red flags. Yes, even therapists are far less than perfect. I’m in the business … Continue reading »
I should have trusted my intuition…

I’m no longer accepting verbal apologies, only changed behaviors.

Have you received an apology with an excuse? Did they apologize and want to pick up right where you left off? Did they apologize but blame you for feeling hurt about it? Or did you not receive an apology and were just expected to move on in the relationship/friendship with no acknowledgement or resolution around … Continue reading »
I’m no longer accepting verbal apologies, only changed behaviors.

Stop expecting YOU from people.

Do you fiercely love the people in your life, and it’s not equally given back? Do you give a lot of yourself and expect it in return? Does your heart seem bigger than everyone else’s? Are you supportive of friends, even though they don’t check on you? Are you not getting honesty from others? We … Continue reading »
Stop expecting YOU from people.

If I had to heal from you, I get to decide if I’m letting you back in my space.

Did someone who hurt you, reach out to you again? Do they want to reconcile? Do you have that one person who bounces in and out of your life and they want back in? Maybe it’s ex-love, a close friend, an acquaintance, or a family member who has reached out again. Have you put up … Continue reading »
If I had to heal from you, I get to decide if I’m letting you back in my space.

A woman is unstoppable once she realizes she deserves better.

“And when you get to where you’re going, turn around and help her too. For there was a time, not long ago when she was you.” An overwhelming feeling for many women is they are not enough. Feelings of inadequacy, inferiority and worthlessness are a common human experience. Comparing yourself to others in ways that … Continue reading »
A woman is unstoppable once she realizes she deserves better.

Are you really healed or are you just trying not to think about it?

Are you really healed or are you just trying not to think about it? You may have experienced the frustration of trying to stop thinking about something…only to find yourself thinking about it more. When you actively try to avoid a thought, your brain seeks any kind of distraction it can grab hold of. Oddly … Continue reading »
Are you really healed or are you just trying not to think about it?