Are you resilient? Do you cope with stress in a healthy manner?

Are you resilient? Do you cope with stress in a healthy manner?

Resilience is not a rare ability. In reality, it is found in almost everyone and it can be learned and developed. I can teach you resiliency but you have to want to learn.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

One Response to “Are you resilient? Do you cope with stress in a healthy manner?”

  1. Megan,

    To me, Resilience is your ability to cope with stresses as they arise, but it is not a fixed level, and everyone has a limit.
    I believe stress is cumulative, and even the most resilient individuals can be impacted by chronic stress.

    So what makes a difference?
    1) resilience levels can be raised through belief and confidence in your own abilities, and a support network.
    2) stress levels can be lowered over time through stress busting activities and relaxation
    3) our mindset towards external factors and events can be changed to decrease the stress at the source through positive psychology

    What happens if we reach out stress/resilience limit?
    Mental health issues, burnout, illnesses – we all react differently, but the consequences can be serious!!