Are you drifting away?

What do you love? Are you still interested in what you love as much as when you started? Is what you love now out of your reach? Have you lost interest in the things that made you happy? Do you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning? Or do you still love these people or things more than ever but they are simply drifting out our your reach?

Whether it is a marriage, relationship, friendship, a career or hobbies, losing interest or seeing your love or interests shift is one common challenge people encounter.

Have you lost yourself? Are you so absorbed in your career, in your relationship, in the daily grind, or in life that you’ve lost sight of who you are or where you’d like to be?

5 ways to know you’ve lost yourself:

1. You don’t do the things that really used to give you pleasure.
2. You feel numb.
3. You feel like life is just passing you by.
4. You’ve let yourself go.
5. You don’t like your life.

So if you find yourself in this rut, especially if you are one of those who used to cherish what you do or have, but have somehow lost your way, it is important to know if you are dealing with clinical depression.

Anhedonia is the inability to experience pleasure from activities usually found enjoyable. Anhedonia is one of the symptoms of depression. It is one of the ways we measure depression. This could include things such as not wanting to socialize with friends, not wanting to exercise, no interest in sex, food, work, music, hobbies, etc.

Whether or not Clinical Depression plays a role, feeling this way is an indication that it is time to make changes. Something has gotten in the way or you’ve placed someone or something ahead of your own needs and desires. This isn’t a right or wrong kind of thing. There is no need to beat yourself up about it.

Losing yourself can be the beginning of your journey to start fresh. It’s a clean slate; an opportunity for you to get to know who you are, rediscover your purpose in life and what you really want to do.

You can’t change your life by doing the same things over and over. Recognizing and acknowledging that you’ve lost yourself is the first step. And now that you recognize what you’ve been through, instead of wallowing in self-pity, decide to get up, and take some action toward the life you deserve.

Take the next step.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling