“Addition and Subtraction”

Sit down and really think about the relationships in your life. Think about how you react to those relationships.

Do you find yourself screening phone calls because of one or two people? Are you avoiding activities you used to enjoy because a certain person makes you miserable?

These are glaring signs that you are in a toxic relationship.

People who suck the life out of you with negative attitudes.
A person who complains and dumps their problems on you but doesn’t do anything to change their situation.
Someone who is not supportive, constantly complaining, gossiping or making you feel badly about yourself.
People who are damaging you in a way that contributes to depression and anxiety.

Why is it that we are so hesitant to remove toxic people from our lives? The most obvious reason is that most of us like to avoid conflict and don’t want to hurt another human person’s feelings.

Therapy can teach you the tools to reclaim your life.

Click here to begin the journey.


(817) 946-1620 | carrie@carrienet.com | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

One Response to ““Addition and Subtraction””

  1. Christina,

    I have a friend who would do anything for me, but she always makes every situation about herself. If I am telling her something, she has to say something along the same lines to compete with me. She always needs some validation about how she looks. Me and another friend stop talking to her and love her from a distance. She exhausts me and her negative thoughts drags me down. She lives in the past and has a hard time forgiving folks, especially men that have hurt her. It goes deeper with her since her father wasn’t the father she should’ve been, but I cannot fix her. A sweet person, but I limit my time with her.